• September 2020 Family Update

    We are definitely back into the swing of things with school despite being in shock that I have an 8th grader. Over Labor Day weekend we had a dental emergency and were told that Skylar needed a $3K root canal…

  • August 2020 Family Update

    There were quite a few things that happened in August for our family. For starters, we were supposed to be in South America but travel plans are all kinds of wonky in 2020. Maine was plan B but we ended…

  • Cheesy Tomato Pie with Bacon

    Tomato Pie is all the rage this summer. I had never heard of it until 2020 but I’m glad it’s making a come back because it’s delicious! I searched for recipes and couldn’t quite decide which one I liked best,…

  • July 2020 Update

    Per our tradition, we spent the 4th of July in Birmingham with my family. It was nice to see everyone even if it was for just a quick down-and-back visit. Skylar is back on the ice and skating again. She’s…

  • June 2020 Update

    The BFF has had some exciting things happen this month. The most exciting announcement was the official launch of BFF Tree Services. This is something that Mike has always enjoyed doing and he certainly has had plenty of opportunities to…

  • May 2020 Update

    I keep trying to think of something interesting and notable to report but life is just super chill these days. Slowly, things are starting to return to normal and I am not looking forward to it. I am not yet…

  • April 2020 Family Update

    What I’m about to say is not a popular opinion, but quarantine is kinda my dream life. A few years ago I really started to figure myself out and I half-jokingly said I either want to be a farmer or…

  • March 2020 Update

    March was like living in the Twilight Zone. First, a major tornado blew through Nashville just a few miles north of us. Thankfully we were safe but so many of our friends lost everything and are still trying to recover.…

  • February 2020 Update

    We started the month back in Birmingham for my Uncle Bennie’s Celebration of Life Service. Losing him and my mom so close together really took a toll on me but in a way it was nice to be close to…

  • how to save

    5 Tips to Save for Travel

    We all want to travel but saving for it is a different story. Here are my top 5 tips to save for travel! 1. Travel Budget I realized about 5 years ago that the only way we were going to…