• Four Little Words

    We had a busy afternoon with a family birthday party. tLG played hard with her cousins. By the time we got home, she was noticeably tired and crashing hard from the cake and ice cream sugar rush. Saturday is also…

  • FIVE

    I’m not sure who told this girl that she could grow up into this girl but she has. We don’t do a birthday party every year, which is a story in itself, but we do go all out to celebrate…

  • FOUR revisited

    Tomorrow my baby girl turns five. Whoa! But, today, we are all about celebrating FOUR. If you love me or my child, you will spare 10 minutes to watch this video. I promise you will be entertained. It’s the usual…

  • Sentimental…

    …is that even the right word? I’m not sure. All I know for certain is that The Little Girl is growing up and I don’t like it. Not one bit. She’s always been big for her age. She came into…

  • Things I Hope to Never Hear in a Real Restaurant

    Tonight I was practicing reading with Skylar. I had the clipboard and was writing sentences for her. She took over the clipboard and proceeded to play “restaurant.” It was hilarious!! She was scribbling on a piece of paper when I…

  • Summer Week at the Grandparents

    As you all know, we recently let The Little Girl spend a week with my parents who live out of town. We tried out this little arrangement last year but it was only for about 3 days. This year we…

  • My Little Fashionista

    In the last few weeks my 4-year-old has become VERY opinionated about clothes. This was a hard pill for me to swallow since I have been choosing her clothes day in and day out for so long. Let’s not forget…

  • Stomach Bug (with a vengeance)

    Yes, sickness is newsworthy at our house mainly because it is so rare. We’re typically a pretty healthy bunch. So when I got the call from my daughter’s school that she was throwing up, I replied “Oh no!” But it…

  • Snow Day Snuggles and Conversations

    Today is snow day #…. well, I’ve lost count. Snow days throw our schedule out of whack and I don’t like not having my routine. However, on snow days I sleep until Skylar comes and climbs in bed with me…

  • Please Stay 3 Forever – Please?

    My baby girl is 4 today. This really is impossible. I still remember every detail of her birth. Thankfully, the pregnancy memories are starting to fade but I definitely remember January 16, 2007. There is no way that I can…