• February 2015 in Pictures

    Get the full February 2015 update here. When all was said and done there was about 2 inches of ice on my car. Ugh! Helping Ms. Joni roll silverware at church.  Volunteering on Tuesdays is her new gig. tLG says…

  • February 2015 Update

    February has not been my favorite. Too much of the the white stuff and the cold stuff for my liking. In fact, we pretty much didn’t go anywhere for about 2 weeks straight. Supposedly one cannot live on Peppermint Hot…

  • How to Choose Sessions for a Homeschool Conference

    Last week Teach Them Diligently revealed their session schedule for Nashville, the first stop along the 2015 conference tour. Several newbies have asked me how I choose my classes/speakers so here goes. For starters, you do not have to “sign…

  • January 2015 in Pictures

    Click here for the full January Update.   Ringing in 2015 playing Settlers of Catan  Lady Cougars Birthday Party Pals  Skylar & her cousin Aves Happy Birthday!   She looks cute but she will beat you. Guaranteed!  Helping Ms. Joni at TDF.…

  • January 2015 Update

    Settling into life after Disney was ROUGH! It honestly took me several weeks to get back into the groove. I usually love the start of the new year but I felt really overwhelmed this time. Anyway, here’s the latest… Upward…

  • Crockpot Hot Chocolate

    Ok, I’ve seen these posts all over Pinterest and I finally decided to give it a try on New Year’s Eve. Except that I’ve been spoiled by the peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks so that’s the flavor I was going…

  • My 2015 Resolutions

    Here we are again at the start of a new year. I do love a fresh start. I did really well on my 2014 resolutions. This year, I have some new goals to tackle.  1. Memorize Scripture. It’s my heart’s…

  • 2014 Year In Review

    This is usually my favorite post to write. Turns out that 2014 was filled with a lot of hurt and frustration that overshadowed the entire year. I sat down and attempted to write this post on 2 or 3 (okay…

  • December 2014 in Pictures

    Here are a few photos from the past month.   This year Skylar was finally able to touch Red Robin.  At the archery range.  Mickey shirts for Disney. Gluten free, peppermint cupcakes for my birthday!  Carl needed a stocking so I…