• Me and Murphy Made it Snow

    I think I’m causing the snow. No, really. I honestly think I am. Actually, it’s not me but my BFF Murphy. I have a long-standing relationship with Murphy’s law. You know, “what can go wrong will go wrong.” Only in…

  • Did I Shave My Legs For This?

    Actually, no, I didn’t. Not even for yoga class. Not even for date night. Not for a whole week. Isn’t that horrible?! Wait, don’t judge. See, what had happened was…. Well, first of all, it’s winter and that means wearing…

  • Winter Blues

    It happens every year and this year is no exception. I never know exactly when it is going to happen but I am getting a lot better at noticing it sooner. I’ve suffered various bouts of depression since my teen…

  • Unspoken Resolutions

    I make resolutions because I believe we can always strive to better ourselves. These are a few things that I always resolve to do but don’t neccessarily write them down. Grow closer to the Lord. Improve my marriage. Be a…

  • Resolution #6: Family Dinner

    We used to be in a really good habit of having dinner together at the table but we’ve gotten lax about it. When my hubby gets home from a long day at work he just wants to chill, which is…

  • Snow Day Fun (with Pics)

    Despite my feelings that snow is not worth the trouble, me and The Little Girl had a rather fun time this afternoon. First, we had to gather our supplies. She chose a bowl, a scoop, her earth ball and Blueberry…

  • Resolution #5: Guns

    I have a strong adversion to guns. Why? Well, they are dangerous for starters. I know that people use them for sport all the time but let’s be real here. Guns were invented to kill or at least strongly wound…

  • Resolution #4: Journaling

    Journaling is #4 on my list of 2011 resolutions. This one is in the bag! Why? You are reading it right now. My new little blog is where I aim to document my little life this year and hopefully make…

  • Resolution #3: Flossing

    I really try to only do one resolution in each category but this year I have two in the health category. First up was exercise and now I’ve added flossing. My mom will actually be thrilled about this one. She’s…

  • Resolution #2: Exercise

    I’m not really a fan of exercise. I hate that stiff feeling you get the next morning after a tough workout. I cringe just thinking about that feeling. However, it’s become more apparent that I should exercise for my health.…