• August 2016 in Pictures

    Be sure to check out the August update for full Olympic-related details. All of the kids picked a country to look for in the  Parade of Nations and colored their flag.     Go #teamUSA  Olympic-themed party food   My bestie and…

  • August 2016 Update

    August can pretty much be summed up in one word:  O L Y M P I C S Oh goodness, do I love me some Olympics! We kicked it off with our favorite friends and an Opening Ceremony Party complete…

  • July 2016 in Pictures

    You definitely do not want to miss the July 2016 update. We were quite busy this month!  We were welcomed to Bama with a gigantic bonfire!  Yep, that’s all SIX of us on ONE 4-wheeler!  Church with Dad & MiMi…

  • July 2016 Update

    A lot happened this month, as is typical for us in summer! For starters, Baron went back to the breeder. This actually proved to be a very difficult choice but he just didn’t mesh well with our family, lifestyle, and…

  • Family Friendly Nashville Mural Tour Plan

    Me and my bestie traipsed our brood of children all over Nashville yesterday for some summer fun and a little culture too! Basically, we are awesome. We had this idea to do a mural tour months ago. We even put…

  • 4th Grade Curriculum Choices

    4th grade.  It seems like it’s starting to get real now. I still remember limping through our first year thinking “surely I can’t screw up 1st grade” and, honestly, you can’t. Suddenly I’m a little more concerned and wanting to…

  • June 2016 Update

    Summer is in full swing! Yay! Skylar experienced her first year at Cumberland Camp this year and had a blast! This was her first time to go to sleep-away camp and she did great. In the past, she has not…

  • June 2016 in Pictures

    Go here to read the full June 2016 Update.   First year at Cumberland Camp! As you can see she had a blast! Tug-of-war!   And Chocolate Pudding! LOL! Our little greenway adventure.  Summer Dinner for Summer Solstice   Lake Day!  Wave Country!…

  • May 2016 Update

      School is out for Summer! Yay! We limped across the homeschool finish line but 3rd grade really was a great year.  Skylar’s creativity has really grown this year and she continues to become more and more independent. In fact,…

  • May 2016 in Pictures

    For the full May 2016 update, click here.   Honeysuckles are my favorite!   Milkshakes every day!  I love the THM cookbook!  Baron now sleeps in our room.  Turns out he prefers to sleep under the bed instead.    Library Storytime with…