• Resolution #7: Paperless Kitchen

    This is my resolution that falls into the “green” category. 🙂 A few months back I read a post about going Paperless in the Kitchen. It really got me noticing how much paper we actually use and then toss. It’s…

  • Resolution #6: Family Dinner

    We used to be in a really good habit of having dinner together at the table but we’ve gotten lax about it. When my hubby gets home from a long day at work he just wants to chill, which is…

  • Snow Day Fun (with Pics)

    Despite my feelings that snow is not worth the trouble, me and The Little Girl had a rather fun time this afternoon. First, we had to gather our supplies. She chose a bowl, a scoop, her earth ball and Blueberry…

  • Snow. Worth the trouble (or not)?

    This will come as no big surprise to most of you but I HATE winter! and snow…. that would be the exact opposite of icing on the cake for me. This winter we had snow early and we’ve had it…

  • Resolution #5: Guns

    I have a strong adversion to guns. Why? Well, they are dangerous for starters. I know that people use them for sport all the time but let’s be real here. Guns were invented to kill or at least strongly wound…

  • No Boys Allowed Party

    My hubby went on a camping trip with the boys this weekend. The Little Girl was none to happy that her Daddy went camping without her. So, to make up for it, we had a No Boys Allowed Party. I…

  • Living Room/Toy Room

    We don’t have a play room in our house. It would be nice but there just isn’t room. We’ve tried several different ways to arrange our living room and create little nooks here and there for The Little Girl’s toys.…

  • REVIEW: Grace-Based Parenting (Tim Kimmel)

    This book really got me thinking. Actually, it changed a lot about the way I think as a parent. I kept reading this booking waiting for the chapter(s) where it would give me tried and true “techniques” that I could…

  • Resolution #4: Journaling

    Journaling is #4 on my list of 2011 resolutions. This one is in the bag! Why? You are reading it right now. My new little blog is where I aim to document my little life this year and hopefully make…

  • Resolution #3: Flossing

    I really try to only do one resolution in each category but this year I have two in the health category. First up was exercise and now I’ve added flossing. My mom will actually be thrilled about this one. She’s…